We are underway… Here are some early photos
- .Malcolm’s VAX/VMS Notes
- Arduino – Getting Started
- Arduino Notes
- BDV11 Upgrade
- Current Loop Interface #2
- Current Loop: Design Notes
- Data I/O 29B Universal Programmer
- DEC 871B Power Controller
- DEC BA23 Chassis
- DEC BC01V RS232 Cable
- DEC Cables and Connectors
- DEC DCT11-EM Evaluation Module
- DEC Flip Chip KiCad Template
- DEC InfoTower
- DEC MI8-E Bootstrap loader for PDP-8/e
- DEC MicroVAX 3600
- DEC MINC RL01 Images
- DEC MINC-11 at System Source
- DEC Miscellaneous Information
- DEC NEMA Power Connectors
- DEC PDP-11/10
- DEC PDP-11/23 in BA11-N Chassis
- DEC PDP-11/73 in BA123 cabinet
- DEC PDP-12
- DEC PDP-8/e H960
- DEC Professional 300 Series
- DEC Rainbow
- DEC RK05 Notes
- DEC RL Drives
- DEC RX01 floppy disc drives
- DEC RX01/02 Inventory
- DEC RX33 Floppy Drive
- DEC TU60 Dual Cassette Transport
- DEC VAXstation 3100 Model 76
- DEC VT180 (aka “Robin”)
- DEC VT340 Internals
- DEC WT78
- Digital Electronics QBUS Cabinet
- Dilog DQ419
- Electronic Components Stores
- EPSON TM-U210D POS Printer
- Factory full of DEC
- Floppy Disk Imaging
- For Sale
- Garage Sale on Sat 5 October 2019
- Getting Started with FPGAs and CPLDs
- Install Log: VAX/VMS 5.3
- Installing SIMH in Ubuntu
- KED Mini How-To Guide
- Konan Blue Sky MFM Controller
- Links – DEC related
- Linux tips and tricks
- Melbourne Mini Vintage Computer Faire 2018
- MFM Hard Drive on Pentium II PC
- MFM Hard Drives
- My Early x86 Personal Computer Collection
- OMNIBUS Bootstrap Loader Project – Design Notes
- OMNIBUS Bootstrap Loader Prototype v1.0
- OMNIBUS CPLD Prototyping Board #1
- PDP-11 Notes
- PDP-11 Paper Tape BASIC
- PDP-11 RX02 Bootstraps
- PDP-11/34 decdatasystem
- PDP-11/70
- PDP-8/e Line to Earth Capacitors
- Pertec T8640A Tape Transport
- QBUS Front Panel Project
- QBUS Notes
- RQDX Breakout Board
- RQDX Mini-BOB for floppy drives
- RS232 Connectors
- RT-11 boot floppy
- RT-11 drive partitions
- RT-11 Logical Disks
- S100 KiCad template
- Saturn for RSX-11
- Scanned documents
- SD Systems SBC-200 S-100 Board
- SerialDisk Integration to SIMH
- SerialDisk Operational Notes
- SMD Drives
- Sodastream Cylinder Replacement Project
- Space Invaders
- Super 80 – Cassette Software
- Super 80 – Emulator
- Super 80 – Hardware Notes
- Super 80 – Original
- Super 80 – V1 Reproduction
- Super 80 – V2 Reproduction
- Transferring RX01 discs to SIMH
- UNIX V6 on QBUS PDP-11
- VAX 11/750 Parts
- VAXmate
- VAXmate Software
- Webster SRQD11
- Williams Firepower Pinball Machine
Recent Posts
- Freshly scanned manual for MDB MLSI-CR11 Card Reader Controller
- Webster Spectrum PDP-11/73
- Bundoora Computer Market – July 2018
- P/OS for the DEC Professional 300 Series
- Recently scanned RQDX Field Service Tech Tips
- DEC VT340 Internals
- New neon indicator for DEC 871B Power Controller
- [Outdated post] Vintage computers for sale or swap
- PDP-11/34 decdatasystem
- RS232 connectors
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7 thoughts on - Melbourne Mini Vintage Computer Faire 2018
Hi…wondering when the next fair is…also wondering if you have any contacts in these 2 areas:
a) 3″ (AMSoft) CF2DD disks/drives
b) 5.25″ floppy disk drives
I am looking to locate one/both of these, for data recovery project(s).
Hi Jim, I’m catching up on old messages. Not sure if this is still relevant to you. I have some 5.25″ floppy drives available. $120 tested for 1.2MB/360KB drives. You’ll do better on eBay for untested drives.
Im very interested in the super 80 V2 project you guys are working on,can i buy any of the bits as yet?
Hi Wayne, thanks for your interest in the Super 80 V2 reproduction PCB. I will try to get this finalised in the next few weeks. There’s very little left to be done, except making sure that the keyboard parts (which are yet to be fabricated) will work with the V2 PCB. Have you joined the Super 80 group on groups.io?
Hi Malcolm
Yes i have joined,i would need the PCB/keyboard and any other parts that I can buy from you maybe the basic ROM? and any other parts to help make this super 80,i believe i will need to burn my own Basic ROM what im reading,BTW i was working for Altronics when this came out,I had a Microbee .
The PCBs will we available in the not-too-distant future. We’re also working on getting keyboard kits manufactured. I’d like to say they will arrive in the next couple of months, but I can’t be certain. Status updates will always be announced on the groups.io list. ROM files can be downloaded, or I’m sure you can ask a favour (from me or lots of other people) to get them burned. Other parts will need to be sourced from local suppliers, futurlec, digikey, ebay, etc.
thankyou very much Sir.