S100 KiCad template

To help with designing an S100 board in KiCad, a template KiCad project is provided below.

This is very much a bare-bones template. It includes only the following:

  • Schematic with symbols for the S100 male edge connector and ejector holes
  • PCB file with board outline edge connector (with contacts), ejector holes and dimensions

The PCB dimensions are shown on a separate layer. Just turn this layer off, if you don’t want to see them.

This template is derived from layouts by John Monahan (www.s100computers.com) and the earlier N8VEM group. John’s website has an excellent section on getting started with KiCad.

Note the ejector holes are 0.250″ from the sides and 0.200″ from the top edge. Some earlier N8VEM boards had these holes 0.250″ from the top edge. You may want to look more closely at this (to determine the right offset) before getting your board manufactured.
